April 6, 2023

A message from Danny Maciocia


The relationship that Mario Cecchini and I have built over the last three years has been incredibly special. In a short time, he became more than just a president to me, he also became a great friend.

His ability to communicate and his words of encouragement helped me enormously during the challenges we have faced since joining the Alouettes together in January 2020.

Mario always had the organization’s best interest at heart and he never put himself before the team. He always looked out for his players, his staff and the fans. He helped create a family atmosphere at the office, and always looked after his people. He was, in a sense, a coach for us all.

Mario’s experience and wisdom helped lead us through some difficult battles. It wasn’t always easy, but he found a way to help grow the Alouettes brand during his time here.

He showed a remarkable amount of courage while serving as our team president, and he always seemed to have a pulse for our football team both on and off the field.

Mario is a true leader that always did the right thing, even when it was not always easy to do.

I may be losing a president today, but I have also gained a lifelong friend. I’m extremely grateful for the time we spent working together and I will cherish the memories we built for the rest of my life.

Mario, I wish you continued success in the next chapter of your professional life. You will always be part of the Alouettes family!
