When faced with adversity, some organizations rise to the occasion to try to make a difference. From small acts of kindness to generous contributions impacting thousands of people, many of our partners have stepped up and taken action to provide relief to those who need it most during these difficult times.
We are shining a light on our partners who are carrying out good deeds that deserve to be noticed.
On March 16, Nolinor had to race against the clock to repatriate a school group in Guatemala. The chartered flight landed in Guatemala City Airport less than 20 hours after the initial request was made by the school board. The plane flew out with the students and teachers on board 45 minutes before airspace closure.
Nolinor Aviation has once again shown its involvement in the fight against COVID-19 by chartering the Antonov 225 to transport a cargo of 1,000 cubic meters of protective equipment dedicated to healthcare professionals. Hundreds of curious onlookers and members of the media gathered around the Mirabel Airport on May 1st to witness the world’s largest cargo aircraft land.
Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons has dispatched their coffee trucks are across Canada to offer free beverages and baked goods to those who serve our communities. It’s their way to say thank you to those making a big impact.
Telus—#OnResteUnis campaign with Alexandra Streliski
TELUS was inspired by the #ItsGoingToBeOk movement during this crisis to launch the #OnResteUnis social campaign. They teamed up with @Alexstreliski to create a touching video honouring the essential workers who can’t stay home, and to all the friends and family who inspire us every day.
Via Rail
Since Tuesday, April 7, every day at 7 p.m. local time, all VIA Rail trains operating sound one long whistle to recognize critical health, frontline and essential workers during these unprecedented times. #everythingwillbealright
As the pandemic keeps evolving, Purolator is there to help Canadians continue to live their lives, and to continue delivering the necessary material for essential services to maintain operations. They’ve put in place advanced cleaning and sanitation procedures and are following no-contact practices to keep everyone across their network safe.
Énergie Cardio
Even if the gyms are closed, Énergie Cardio is still proving the necessary measures for all to keep exercising at home. They have made a wide variety of training videos available on their website and regularly post workout ideas on their Facebook account.
Check out their workout videos: https://videosurdemande.ca/energiecardio/
While the city of Montreal remains at a standstill, the STM’s public transit services are open and running to allow all our essential workers to go where they need to. Safety and prevention measures have been put into place to ensure the continuity of service of buses, metros and paratransit.
Plus d’info ici : www.stm.info/coronavirus
We also wish to highlight the efforts of other local businesses that our players, cheerleaders or employees are particularly fond of. These business are maintaining their operations to serve and help people all around the province. Thank you to all.
Vignobles St-Jacques https://domainest-jacques.com/
Maison Trika https://www.maisontrika.com
Boutique Les P’tits monstres https://www.boutiquelesptitsmonstres.com/
Hector Larivée https://shop.hectorlarivee.com/
Les Fermes Lufa https://montreal.lufa.com/fr
Maison Jupiter https://maisonjupiter.com/
Pâtisserie Madeleine https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Bakery/P%C3%A2tisserie-Madeleine-473193616819850/
Domaine le Grand Saint-Charles https://www.domainelegrandsaintcharles.com/index.php
Vignoble La Cantina https://vignoblelacantina.ca/