April 2, 2020

Get creative with homework!

By Léa, @alsc_lea

In this type of peculiar situation, it is strongly recommended to maintain a consistent and predictable routine for your children. Today’s article is all about finding new easy ways to add more entertainment to your daily homeschool schedule!

  1. Encourage your child to work in a different space of the house
  2. A special study area can make schoolwork more fun and help motivate your little student to get it done! Choose a zone least likely to distract your child and create the ultimate homework station: it can be a nook by the kitchen, a desk area in the family room or even under the dining able! It’s finally starting to be nice out, so why not set up a little study space in the backyard? Bringing some novelty by switching up their study space can boost their level of motivation!

  3. Use some unusual supplies
  4. If it’s warm and sunny out, don’t hesitate to bring your little one outside and let him or her use chalk to draw equations or geometric shapes, or even practice writing letters and words! If you’d rather stay in, dry erase markers and a good-sized window will do the trick! Using fun and different materials will help to break the monotony of daily school work and boost motivation levels.

  5. Switch roles and let your child become the teacher
  6. By having to explain the information to you, your little one will have to learn and really understand the subject. Plus, it’s a great way to bond!

  7. Make them move!
  8. Children are often full of energy, which can make it hard for them to sit still and focus. To get them moving while learning, an idea would be to add different academic tests, quizzes or games within an obstacle course. You can also make of your home workout an opportunity for your little one to practice math, by counting your repetitions for example!

  9. Implement a “pre-homework” relaxation period
  10. Before starting homework, do a relaxing activity with them. There is a wide variety of videos on YouTube for guided meditation for children, breathing techniques, yoga, etc. This will help your kids feel more calm and less flustered before beginning their school work. It will also be beneficial for you as things can become a bit hectic when kids don’t have it their way. In addition, it’s another great way to bond with your little one.

    As mentioned previously, a stable and predictable routine is the best way to optimize your child’s learning. Feel free to use any of the tips above that best suit your lifestyle. Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished since the beginning of this social isolation period and we wish you the best of luck for the months to come!

    If ever you feel stressed or overwhelmed with the situation caused by this pandemic, don’t hesitate to reach out to a helpline for parents. Just like we encourage our young ones to ask for help when they need it, we encourage you to do the same! You can visit the Ligne Parents website at ligneparent.com or call 1-800-361-5085